We would like to invite all industries to be our sponsors .
Our goal to raise funds that we able to hire cyber security professionals , trained cybersecurity volunteers , develop our Foundation to provide fund and assistant to seniors and elderly victims of cyber scams and cybercrimes , and create a cyber security community center for selected cities .
To be our sponsors , we will need your business informations to be posted in our sponsors website .
Because of our extreme limited with our website , we only require $200.00 for one year for our sponsors .
For Example :
Name of the Business with Link , Address .
We only accept " check" for the time being until we can create a website that is guarantee safety and privacy .
Please connect me on LinkedIn
We would like to invite visitors and supporters to support our sponsors . We need to stay alive with our cyber security nonprofit in order we can provide unlimited cyber security awareness and assistant for our senior and elderly . We also encourage our supporters to support local businesses that sponsors us .