Cyber Security for Seniors Projects and Foundations INC . Is tax- exempt Non-Profit Organization pursuant 501(c3) of the Internal Revenue Code . Your Gift and Donation is totally Tax Deductible to the extent of the law. Your Donation will help us continue our goals to provide cyber services for all seniors and elderly. We wish to have an
Cyber Security for Seniors Projects and Foundations INC . Is tax- exempt Non-Profit Organization pursuant 501(c3) of the Internal Revenue Code . Your Gift and Donation is totally Tax Deductible to the extent of the law. Your Donation will help us continue our goals to provide cyber services for all seniors and elderly. We wish to have an ongoing virtual and in person events of seniors and elderly with cyber security professionals or students . The other program we are working on is Cyber Security Job Fairs .
We created our Go Fund Me for our temporarily fundraiser website .
Stay Tune for our fundraiser Events
Please visit our IHCSS page